Friday, November 19, 2010

Goal Setting... REALLY? Part 2

Ok, so here is where I let you know HOW to set goals.  I promise it is different that the same old thing (or at least I hope so).

First schedule time on your calendar, soon.  Truthfully an hour should work to start.  So go get a good cup of coffee and settle in a comfortable chair.  Bring a note book and pen and really nothing else.  Turn off the cell phone!  Yes, I said it... turn it off or hide it so you aren’t tempted to surf.  Then find a quiet place.  Make this something to look forward to.  Not a painful task.  Think about it.  This time is all about you.  What else could be better?  
Next, start writing ideas and thoughts for each of the sections.  To make it easier, start off with one area of your life such as Career on one page.  Write “Career” at the top and go from there.  Don’t try to skip through all of them at once.  Stay on one topic area until you are out of ideas or thoughts.  Then move on.
After your initial brainstorming session, schedule another “time alone”, again some place comfortable and pleasant to you.  Personally I sometimes go to the library and other times, I love being at Panera Bread or Starbucks.  If I really do not want to get distracted at all, I go to the library.  If I lived in the south, I would be at the beach.  Go through your list.  If you have hand-written your list, try typing them up so they are easier to read and to edit for the long term.  Unlike many of you my handwriting is awful.  I try to write too fast and it is a mess so I really try to type from the second round on.
Trim down to a few core goals for each category.  Next, break down to monthly goals if you feel daring.  If you feel even more daring, do some goal setting for five and ten years out.  Remember keep things straight-forward, realistic, but will cause you to stretch.
Keep editing until you love what you see.   Get jazzed about the possibilities of what a year from now could look like after you have achieved these goals!  Seriously, get jazzed!  Finally, type them up, print off, and carry with you.   Or find a place where you can access your document at least monthly, if not more often, to look at them, even if briefly, to see where you are at.  Do a little mental check-in as you review them.  Am I making progress or back-sliding?
One of my new goals that I added in 2009, I really like.  It is an annual goal of how many books I will read.  I have never been a strong reader.  Actually I am pretty slow but I have gained a love of reading and want to do more of it.  I read mostly non-fiction so my reading is not usually “light” but every once in awhile I pick up an entertaining fiction book  and read it in a week.   My goal is not just about how many books but it is to really help me gain wisdom and knowledge and to increase my reading speed.  We become faster readers the more we read.
That’s it.  It is not rocket science although to those that don’t enjoy setting goals because they constantly get discouraged, take heart, try it again.  Set more realistic goals and give yourself grace if you don’t reach all of them with a champion flair or with style and grace, it is okay.  Sometimes we stumble along but still succeed.
For instance, my goals for 2009 included getting healthier - which means to me eating better than I do, find an exercise routine that I will really enjoy and gain strength and energy.  Well I did not do so well on this one but I did do some research in the area of nutrition and began taking Zumba classes.  I was reminded in my Zumba class how much I love latin music and dance.  And although it is not an "exercise routine" we got a new puppy which I need to take for walks regularly.  This gets me out of my home office at least once a day.   Some progress was achieved this year.
Even though my “get healthy” goals did not go as far as I had planned or envisioned, I did accomplish more in my career goals.  I finished eight months of certification work for my career coaching and came out with two certifications and a whole bunch more knowledge that I use with my clients every day.  I gave myself “grace” in the get healthy area because I accomplished more than I imagined in my business goals.
I think you get the point.  Go, have fun with it.  Here's to the goals that are yet to be.
- Lisa

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Goal Setting... REALLY???

Ah Goal Setting!  What thoughts go off in your head when you hear this expression?
For some this is a painful and boring thought of doing the tedious job of thinking up admirable goals and then not achieving them.  Thus, feeling like a failure every year.  So I can understand why many people still do not set goals and write them out regularly.  I would like to have you look at it a bit differently this time.  And for those that do the exercise of setting goals, this is a reminder that it is time to do it again or check in on how you are doing.
I do have to agree with some.  It really does get boring hearing about goal setting every year.  I first began setting goals while in college.  It was in the 80’s and it was becoming a hot topic at the same time when time management became trendy.  I was all gung-ho about setting goals and writing mission statements and then I let it go for a long, long, time.  Marriage and kids took most of my time and I squeezed in a job there too.  So that was it.  Why set goals?  I have no time.
Well, I have come full circle.   Perhaps it is the business I am in or that my kids are getting a bit older and more independent that I am focusing on this again.  Or even more so is that I am finding so many people that are not setting any goals that it frustrates me to no end.  We all have to have goals.  Even if we haven’t written them down.  We have desires in our hearts, don’t we?  But how to see those desires or dreams come into being?   Yes, you got it.  We need to set goals.
Here are my recommendations for goal setting that hopefully will make it less stressful for you.  Because really, the act of setting goals and following up WILL make a difference in your life - if you let it.

Ok, are you ready?  Here it is.  There are various areas in our lives that deserve our time and attention.  And by attention I am saying to regularly evaluate how are you doing in this area.  I recommend to my clients to begin making plans for the next calendar year in early November.  Some like the focus of the school calendar.  You pick, whichever fits your life the best, go with it.
Areas worth setting goals:
Health / Physical
Career / Business
Personal Development
(adjust for your personal needs)
For me I adjust by  adding two more sections;  writing and home improvement.  Since both are a part of my life and really can not be ignored or rolled into anything else, I include them as their own topics.  I don’t want my writing goals to be hidden under career / business or person development because it is both.  Home improvement is constant, so I might as well plan for it.  If you own property, you know what I mean.

Are you still with me? 
Next up... how to do this?   (part 2)

- Lisa

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."